
Ex-Cop’s Punishment Over Floyd Case Sends Shockwaves Through Conservative Circles!

Former Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao has been slapped with a 57-month prison sentence for his role in the death of George Floyd. This punishment is an astounding six months longer than what the prosecutors recommended. It’s a classic case of the justice system being biased against law enforcement, once again.

Throughout the trial, it was clear that Thao’s actions were not out of line. He simply followed protocol and did his duty as a police officer. But apparently, that’s not enough for the liberal judges and prosecutors who are hell-bent on destroying the lives of those who protect us.

Judge Peter Cahill, in his ridiculously long 177-page ruling, claimed that Thao’s actions were “objectively unreasonable” and that he should have intervened to stop his colleagues from restraining Floyd. Give me a break! Thao did what any reasonable officer would have done in that situation. If anything, he should be commended for maintaining order and preventing a potential riot from breaking out.

But of course, the left will never see it that way. They will continue to demonize the brave men and women in blue while giving a free pass to the criminals and thugs who terrorize our communities. It’s a sad state of affairs when our justice system is more concerned with appeasing the radical left than upholding the law.

Thao, who rejected a plea bargain because he knows he’s innocent, stood firm in his convictions at the sentencing hearing. He refused to be a “Judas” and betray his fellow officers. This man has more integrity than all the liberal judges and prosecutors combined.

Conservatives everywhere are outraged by this unjust sentence. It’s just another example of the relentless attack on law and order in our country. We must stand up for the police officers who risk their lives every day to keep us safe. It’s high time we put an end to this liberal agenda and restore balance to our justice system.

Written by Staff Reports

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