
Ex-NBA Titan Slams BLM’s Quiet Stance on Israel Attacks: Blasts ‘F You’!

Former NBA star Amare Stoudemire was unreserved in his response to the recent terrorist attacks by Hamas in Israel. He criticized Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the left for their conspicuous silence on the issue. Stoudemire took to social media to express his profound outrage and disappointment. He condemned the cowardly acts of kidnapping children, confining them, and targeting women and the elderly. He voiced his disapproval of BLM's lack of commentary and implored them to cease making excuses. Stoudemire unequivocally stated that harming innocent individuals is never acceptable, regardless of their background or affiliation. He also called out politicians who often find words in contrasting situations but remained silent on this particular issue. Stoudemire's message was a stern rebuke to those who either endorse or turn a blind eye to violent acts.

It further spotlights the reticence of other prominent figures, including former President Barack Obama. Conservative author Dinesh D'Souza raised questions about why Obama and the presidential library or foundation linked with Democratic ex-presidents have not yet addressed the conflict. This silence gives rise to concerns regarding their motives and their stance on Israel. In contrast, former President Donald Trump issued a resolute statement condemning the attacks and expressing support for Israel's right to self-defense. He criticized the Biden Administration for potentially funding these attacks and undermining the progress achieved through the Abraham Accords. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared a state of war and ordered a substantial mobilization of reserves to combat Hamas terrorists.

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