
Explosion in Threats to Officials Ignites Firestorm: FBI and DOJ in Hot Water!

Law enforcement is in quite the pickle, folks! There’s been a big ol’ spike in threats against elected and judicial officials, and even against the law enforcement folks themselves. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco went on ABC’s “This Week” and yakked about how they’ve been keeping an eye on “an unprecedented rise in threats to public officials across the board.”

Ol’ Lisa Monaco said they’ve been getting threats against all sorts of folks, like law enforcement agents, prosecutors, judges, and even election officials. She even spilled the beans that there have been threats to kill FBI agents, a Supreme Court justice, and not one, not two, but three presidential candidates. 

Last week, some fella from New Hampshire got himself indicted for texting death threats to a trio of White House contenders. And just a few days before that, a guy from Florida ‘fessed up to making threats against Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. 

Lisa Monaco said she’s been getting all these “urgent reports” from US attorneys across the country about these threats. She admitted that some of these threats fizzle out without causing much trouble, but a whole bunch of them end up turning into full-blown investigations. 

Now, ol’ Lisa’s warning comes after FBI Director Christopher Wray went and told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he’s seeing “blinking lights everywhere” warning them about potential terror attacks. 

But you know what really grinds Jim Jordan’s gears? He’s leading the charge for them House Republicans, and he’s all riled up about the Justice Department supposedly being used for political shenanigans. I tell ya, he’s reelin’ about them rumors of political bias in the FBI and DOJ, especially when it comes to looking into Donald Trump and his son, Hunter Biden. 

But ol’ Lisa shrugged off them accusations like a pro, saying they don’t hold no water. She reckons the Justice Department is filled to the brim with hardworking men and women who don’t give a hoot about who’s in the White House or Congress. She made it clear as day that she’s not too pleased when she hears them claims, ’cause it makes the Justice Department look bad, and she ain’t about to let that fly.


Written by Staff Reports

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