
Explosive Epstein Tale Implodes: Trump Accusations Retracted!

On Monday, some sneaky media outlets decided to run with a wild story about former President Donald Trump being mentioned in the latest Jeffrey Epstein documents. But what they conveniently forgot to tell you in the beginning of their articles is that the person making these accusations had retracted them back in 2019! Talk about burying the lede.

This whole saga started with court documents that revealed Sarah Ransome, an accuser of Epstein, claiming in 2016 that there were sex tapes involving Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Sir Richard Branson. But hold up – no one ever found these so-called tapes, and when Ransome was asked about them, she couldn’t provide any evidence. Then, a few years later in 2019, she came clean and admitted she made the whole thing up to scare Epstein. Oops!

So, what did these so-called reputable media outlets do? They ran sensational headlines about Trump’s alleged involvement in Epstein’s mess, conveniently leaving out the fact that the accuser had retracted her claims. The Daily Mail and The New York Post were among those who just couldn’t resist jumping on this old and debunked story and making it seem like breaking news.

Thankfully, Steven Cheung, a spokesperson for Trump, set the record straight, calling these accusations “baseless” and “simply false.” But did these media outlets care to lead with that crucial piece of information? Of course not! It’s almost like they’re more interested in pushing a certain narrative than reporting the truth.

And let’s not forget about Vicky Ward, an author and investigative reporter who has been on the Epstein case for years. She pointed out the complexities of this kind of story, emphasizing that witnesses and victims may have imperfect memories and mixed motives. But did the media care to delve into these nuances? Nope, because salacious headlines sell better than nuanced, complicated truths.

In the end, it’s clear that these media outlets were more interested in grabbing attention with clickbait headlines than providing the full, accurate story. Shame on them for misleading their readers and shame on them for trying to drag Trump’s name through the mud once again.

Written by Staff Reports

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