
Explosive Interview Exposes Biden Family’s Inside Track to Success

In an explosive and revealing interview with Tucker Carlson, Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, shed light on the nature of their business operations and the alleged involvement of then-Vice President Joe Biden. Archer emphasized that Hunter’s connections and the Biden brand were the main assets he brought to their business ventures.

Archer made it clear that Hunter Biden was not involved in legal work or in the counsel’s office at Burisma. Instead, he relied on his extensive network and understanding of Washington, which stemmed from his career and education. It seems like the Biden name was the golden ticket for their business, creating opportunities and opening doors.

The complexity of their business was discussed, with Archer highlighting the need for government insight, networking, and capital raising. He also touched on the perception of selling access in Washington, suggesting that understanding the regulatory environment included leveraging connections for personal gain. As conservatives, we’re not surprised by this revelation. Corruption and selling access have been an ongoing issue in the swamp of Washington politics.

One of the bombshells from the interview came when Archer revealed that he had approximately 20 business calls with Joe Biden over their ten-year partnership. This contradicts earlier claims from the President that he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings. Archer admitted that Joe Biden must have understood the nature of these calls, implying an abuse of soft power.

The interview also showcased a heartfelt letter from Joe Biden to Archer and Hunter, expressing his enthusiasm for their partnership and the prospects it held for Hunter. Tucker Carlson couldn’t help but find the letter odd, pointing out its excessive enthusiasm. It seems like Joe Biden was more than just a proud father supporting his son’s endeavors. It raises questions about the blurred lines between business and politics in the Biden family.

Overall, the interview provided unprecedented insight into the business workings of Hunter Biden and the alleged involvement of Joe Biden. It contradicts previous denials from the President and adds fuel to the fire of suspicion surrounding the Biden family’s influence and potential corruption. It’s clear that the Biden name opened doors and created opportunities that others could only dream of. The swamp of Washington strikes again, and conservatives are left wondering how deep this corruption truly goes.

Written by Staff Reports

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