
“Explosive Reveal: Whistleblower Unmasks Hunter Biden’s Shady Deeds”

The House Ways and Means Committee has uncovered some very damning information about Hunter Biden’s alleged tax evasion scheme. The second whistleblower, an anonymous lead IRS case agent, has come forward with some juicy details about how Hunter allegedly dodged paying millions in taxes. The whistleblower claims that Hunter engaged in a highly complex scheme involving the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma, where Hunter was a board member, and an associate from a Chinese business. It appears that this was not just a case of a little bit of honest confusion over tax forms. No, this was a carefully planned effort to cheat the system.

According to the whistleblower, Hunter received a hefty sum of $666,667 from Burisma for very little work. Unfortunately, instead of reporting this income and paying taxes on it, he decided to hide the cash in a Chinese firm run by one of his buddies. This associate then “loaned” him the money back. It all sounds highly convoluted, but the upshot is that Hunter managed to evade paying any taxes.

But it doesn’t stop there. The whistleblower has revealed that Hunter had set up a clever shell game to reroute funds that he had earned through his friend’s corporation, thereby sidestepping having to pay the appropriate taxes. It seems that the money from a Bohai Harvest investment was also used to further this scheme. To put it bluntly, Hunter played the tax system like a fiddle, and the whistleblower makes it clear that he owes a LOT of money to the government.

The whistleblower emphasized that Hunter never reported any of the money he earned from Burisma in 2014. Now, due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, he may have evaded prosecution. Additionally, a Porsche purchased for Hunter’s benefit went untaxed, meaning the government didn’t get a dime from Hunter for his use of the luxury vehicle.

Despite the millions that Hunter has allegedly dodged, his friend Kevin Morris, a wealthy Hollywood lawyer, paid off the $2.2 million that Hunter owed the IRS from 2014 to 2019. But let’s be clear here. Just because Morris bailed him out, it doesn’t mean that Hunter didn’t do anything wrong. In fact, according to the whistleblower, Hunter violated tax laws multiple times in the 2010s.

When pressed on whether Hunter had committed a crime, the whistleblower was clear: “Yes.” He also noted that Hunter even confessed the scheme to his lawyers, who then helped him try to cover it up.

The bottom line here is that Hunter Biden is alleged to have very intentionally and flagrantly avoided paying millions of dollars in taxes. The evidence is mounting, and it appears that the law was bent or broken to save him from prosecution. It remains to be seen if any further investigation or legal action will be taken in light of these whistleblowers’ revelations. But one thing is certain: Hunter Biden appears to have some real issues with following tax laws.

Written by Staff Reports

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