
Explosive Twist: Weiss Almost Let Hunter Biden Off Scott-Free!

The collapse of Hunter Biden’s plea deal is nothing short of jaw-dropping, according to recent articles published by The New York Times and Politico. It appears that Hunter Biden’s legal team may have acted as sources for these articles, as they offer an inside look at what was happening behind the scenes before the plea deal fell apart. The most astonishing claim from these articles is that Hunter Biden was initially not going to be charged at all. Can you believe that? The so-called ‘prosecutor’ in this case, David Weiss, seemed inclined to let the president’s son off the hook completely. But then the IRS whistleblowers came forward, and everything changed. Suddenly, Weiss demanded that Hunter Biden plead guilty to tax offenses. It’s clear that politics played a major role in this case.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer issued a warning to the Justice Department, saying that if they charged the president’s son, they would put Joe Biden on the witness stand. This is an obvious, politically-charged move to protect Hunter Biden. It’s clear that his legal team was playing hardball and trying to use politics to their advantage. They even invoked Donald Trump constantly, warning that Weiss and the DOJ would ruin their reputations if they gave in to Trump’s rantings about Hunter Biden. This whole case was clearly politicized to the core.

The correspondence between Hunter Biden’s legal team and prosecutors reveals a disturbing pattern. Weiss consistently sought to give Hunter Biden a free pass, even allowing statutes of limitations to expire on clear-cut felonies. It was only when the IRS whistleblowers went public and exposed the special treatment and interference in the investigation that Weiss suddenly decided to change the deal and require a guilty plea from Hunter Biden. This raises serious questions about the integrity of the process and whether it was influenced by outside pressures.

Hunter Biden’s attorneys are now insisting that the whistleblowers be prosecuted, instead of their client. This is absolutely brazen. They seem to be more upset with the whistleblowers for ruining the plea deal than with their own client for his illegal activities. It’s shocking to see them calling for legal consequences against career, nonpartisan agents who had the courage to tell the truth. As for Weiss, he is now legally barred from discussing the open investigation, but it’s clear that his team was on track to let Hunter Biden off easy until the whistleblowers spoke out. Weiss should be seen as a political actor who is more interested in protecting the Bidens than in pursuing justice.

The unfolding events, coupled with the Times and Politico articles, highlight two key realities. First, Weiss has consistently shown a bias in favor of the Bidens and a desire to avoid holding them accountable. This raises serious doubts about his ability to serve as a special counsel in this case. Second, elevating Weiss to special counsel status is a farce. Based on what we’ve seen so far, it’s likely that Weiss will now try to go after Hunter Biden a bit harder to save face, but he will still protect the Bidens to the greatest extent possible. This is not how a prosecutor should operate.

Overall, this whole ordeal paints a picture of a politicized and compromised investigation. It’s clear that Hunter Biden was on the path to a total victory before the whistleblowers came forward. It remains to be seen what will happen next, but Weiss’s actions and the information revealed in these articles should raise serious concerns about the integrity of this case. It’s time for a real investigation and true accountability.

Written by Staff Reports

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