
Exposed: Biden’s Irony-laden Critique of Obama in Shocking Email!

New revelations from Hunter Biden’s laptop have exposed yet another instance of Joe Biden being caught in the act of plagiarism. This time, it’s not a speech from someone else but his own former boss, Barack Obama.

In a leaked email exchange from September 2010, Hunter Biden asks his father for his thoughts on a recent speech given by Obama at a pro-union labor rally. It turns out that Obama’s speech contained phrases that were eerily similar to Biden’s own speech from 2008 when he accepted the Democratic Party’s vice presidential nomination.

Hunter writes, “Interesting language from the President. Wonder where he got that from?” and adds, “I’m surprised he didn’t finish with the long walk up a short flight of stairs. Pretty amazing.”

To refresh your memory, the “long walk up a short flight of stairs” line was first used by Joe Biden in his 2008 speech, where he spoke about the emotional devastation of job losses and foreclosures. He spoke about a parent having to break the news to their children about losing their job or their home. It was a powerful and personal moment for Biden, as he shared his own childhood experience when his father lost his job.

Now, we have evidence that Biden’s own boss, Obama, lifted those exact phrases for his own speech. This raises questions about Obama’s originality and Biden’s reaction to the apparent plagiarism. Biden’s response to his son’s email was simply “No grace.” It’s clear that Biden was displeased with Obama’s lack of originality, and rightly so.

This is not the first time Biden has been involved in plagiarism scandals. Back in 1988, during his failed presidential run, Biden was accused of stealing “five pages of a published law review article without quotation or citation.” The incident caused him to withdraw from the race.

It’s disheartening to see that Biden has not learned from his past mistakes and continues to engage in dishonest behavior. As a conservative, it’s important to hold our leaders accountable for their actions, and Biden’s history of plagiarism raises serious concerns about his integrity and character.

Written by Staff Reports

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