
Exposed: Hamas Plotted Israeli Attack Post Afghanistan Withdrawal!

According to a senior Hamas official, Ali Baraka, Hamas had been secretly planning the terrorist strikes across Israel for the past two years. In an interview with Russia Today, Baraka revealed that Hamas had local factories for manufacturing rockets, mortars, guns, and bullets. He also claimed that Iran was providing them with money and weapons, although the Biden administration has not confirmed this allegation.

This revelation raises serious concerns about the timing of the start of Hamas’ planning. If it began two years ago, it would have been after President Joe Biden took office and after the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. This suggests that Hamas may have been emboldened by the perceived weakness and incompetence of the Biden administration.

Furthermore, Baraka hinted at Hamas’ interest in a prisoner swap with the United States, similar to the one facilitated by the Biden administration with Iran. He demanded that the U.S. free Hamas members who are currently imprisoned, claiming that the U.S. conducts prisoner swaps and should do the same with Hamas.

This interview paints a troubling picture of Hamas’ preparations and intentions. It reveals that Hamas had been deceiving the public by presenting a “rational” image while secretly planning a major attack. It also highlights the support and assistance Hamas receives from Iran.

These revelations should serve as a wake-up call to the Biden administration and the international community about the dangers posed by Hamas. It is crucial that the U.S. reevaluates its approach to dealing with terrorist organizations and takes a strong stance against their activities.

Written by Staff Reports

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