
Exposed: How Liberty Safe Betrayed Your Privacy to the FBI!

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has had it up to here with Liberty Safe, and he’s not afraid to take legal action against them! Why, you might ask? Well, it all started when Liberty Safe decided to spill the beans and hand over a customer’s private safe code to the FBI. Talk about waving a white flag to Big Brother!

In case you missed it, Liberty Safe whipped out their “company protocol” excuse, saying they only handed over the code because the FBI showed them a fancy warrant. But Bailey isn’t buying it! He’s launching a probe into these sneaky safecrackers to find out if they’ve been honest with their customers this whole time. And from where Bailey’s standing, it sure smells fishy!

Now, you might think, “What’s the big deal?” Well, let me break it down for you. Bailey knows that the federal government has a knack for using our security apparatus to go after their political enemies. And the last thing he wants is some private company playing undercover agent and selling out their fellow Americans. Talk about betrayal!

But don’t worry, folks! Bailey’s got our backs. He’s throwing everything he’s got at this investigation to make sure Liberty Safe isn’t pulling a fast one on its customers. And let me tell you, that’s the kind of dedication we need from our elected officials. So bravo, Mr. Bailey! Keep fighting for the rights of all Missourians and showing these companies who’s boss!

Written by Staff Reports

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