
Exposed: Pro-Clinton Prosecutor Now Targeting Trump! Swamp Deepens

The Dems are at it again! A top prosecutor tried to squash an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation back in 2016, and now he’s part of the witch hunt against President Trump. Raymond Hulser, who was in charge at the Department of Justice, refused to prosecute the Clinton Foundation despite allegations of financial shadiness. Now, he’s working with special counsel Jack Smith, the same guy who led the Public Integrity Section under Obama, to go after Trump. Can you believe the nerve of these Deep State operatives?

The report from former special counsel John Durham revealed that the FBI dropped the ball when it came to looking into the Clinton Foundation. Three different FBI field offices started investigations into the Foundation’s shady dealings, including foreign donations and potential influence peddling. The D.C. investigation even stemmed from a book that accused the Clintons of accepting millions from foreign governments and Russian corporations to manipulate foreign policy. And you know what the FBI said? They admitted that the investigations were based on hearsay and unvetted information. Talk about a witch hunt against Trump and a free pass for the Clintons!

But wait, it gets even worse! During meetings about these investigations, Hulser had the audacity to downplay the information gathered by the FBI and claimed there wasn’t enough evidence to proceed. He even called the financial reporting “de minimis,” as if the hundreds of thousands of dollars in questionable transactions were just pocket change! The report pointed out suspicious international bank transfers that raised red flags for possible bribery or gratuity violations, but Hulser still tried to sweep it all under the rug.

And what did the Clinton Foundation have to say about all this? Of course, they denied any wrongdoing and brushed it off as old news. They claimed there’s never been any criminal activity and that the Clintons themselves are just generous donors to the Foundation. Give us a break!


Written by Staff Reports

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