
Exposed: Trump Reveals Who’s Truly Pulling the DOJ Strings

Former President Donald Trump has revealed in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News that Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco is the one actually calling the shots at the Department of Justice (DOJ), not Attorney General Merrick Garland. Trump described Monaco as running the department in a “vicious and illegal” manner, and predicted that her actions would be exposed in the near future. He also pointed out that Monaco is closely connected to Andrew Weissman, a former FBI official who played a major role in the investigation into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia. Trump criticized Weissman and other officials for suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and for their failed attempts to bring him down.

Monaco served as a Homeland Security adviser in former President Barack Obama’s administration and was known to have a close relationship with Susan Rice, who also served in the Obama White House and later joined the Biden administration. According to sources within the Republican Party, Monaco has a significant influence over the DOJ’s decisions, a fact that will likely come to light in the future. On the other hand, Garland, who was appointed by Biden as attorney general, has faced controversy over allegations of politicization within the department, especially regarding the ongoing investigations into Trump.

Trump’s comments about Monaco and Garland shed light on the behind-the-scenes power struggles within the DOJ and raise questions about who is truly in charge. If Trump secures the GOP nomination for the 2024 presidential race, this issue could become a central focus of the campaign, particularly as he defends himself against attacks from the current administration. The ongoing investigations and inquiries into Monaco’s role within the department may also play a significant role in shaping public perception of the DOJ’s actions and its impartiality. The American people deserve transparency and fairness from their justice system, and these concerns must be addressed to restore trust in the DOJ.

Written by Staff Reports

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