
Face-Off: Doocy Puts Biden in Hot Seat Over Archer’s Testimony!

Peter Doocy of Fox News confronted Joe Biden about the testimony of his former business associate, Devin Archer, who claimed that the vice president often participated in business meetings via speakerphone.

As Biden was being interviewed, Doocy asked him about Archer's testimony, where he claimed that the vice president often participated in business meetings via speakerphone. Biden dismissed the question, saying that he had no idea that he would get a poor question. Nonetheless, the host pressed on and asked the vice president why he had been avoiding talking about business.

When Biden was asked why he had been avoiding discussing business, he had a simple response: Because it's not true.

Archer is a businessman who is closely associated with Hunter Biden. They both worked together at a major Ukrainian energy company, Burisma Holdings.

This connection has raised a lot of questions, especially since Archer openly talked about his ties to the Biden family and how Hunter had brought a lot of value to the company. In his testimony, he claimed that during a decade, Biden had been involved in around 20 phone calls.

Archer also mentioned a letter that Biden had sent to his son, which expressed his excitement and gratitude for their business partnership. These claims contradict what Biden had previously said, where he had denied any involvement in Hunter's business affairs.

New revelations about Joe Biden's involvement in his son's business affairs are deeply concerning. If he was truly unaware of the details of his son's business dealings, then his associates and his son would have been operating in an unethical manner. On the other hand, if he was aware of the situation, then he would have been doing his best to benefit the family.

It's clear that the issue of Biden's son's business activities is a serious matter that needs to be investigated. Unfortunately, instead of providing clear answers to the questions, he has resorted to belittle journalists and use cheap tactics to avoid the truth. It's time for the vice president to come clean.

Written by Staff Reports

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