
Family Tied to Trump Assassination Plot Now Facing Child Porn Charges

In a wild turn of events that could only be scripted in a Hollywood thriller, the son of a man recently arrested for an assassination attempt against Donald Trump now finds himself in a heap of legal trouble concerning much more serious matters. Oran Routh has been hit with federal charges for possessing child pornography, leading many to speculate whether this family has been auditioning for a crime drama.

The plot thickened in Greensboro, North Carolina, where authorities conducted a search of Oran’s home. The FBI confirmed that this investigation wasn’t even originally tied to child exploitation but rather connected to the activities of his father, Ryan Wesley Routh. Authorities had to sift through a cache of electronic devices which were reportedly packed with hundreds of files depicting child sexual abuse. It’s enough to make one wonder if this family tree might harbor a few bad apples.

As if one assassination attempt wasn’t sensational enough, the situation escalated when Ryan Routh was arrested for allegedly writing a letter offering a staggering $150,000 bounty for anyone willing to take out the former president. The letter allegedly expressed regret for failing in an initial assassination attempt and contained a top-shelf portion of ridiculousness—an apology to the world for not completing the job. The misguided notion that assassinating a president and then asking others to take up the task is morally acceptable simply puts this saga on another level of absurdity. 


Donald Trump Jr. did not hold back his outrage regarding the situation, particularly aimed at the Biden-Harris Justice Department. This federal agency doesn’t seem to mind the public circus around threats against a former president, yet can’t seem to release vital information in other cases in a timely manner. Junior’s exclamations underscore the ever-growing annoyance conservatives feel toward a DOJ that often appears more interested in playing politics than in serving justice.

As the dust settles on this bizarre tale, Florida’s own Governor Ron DeSantis has thrown the state’s hat into the ring, opening an investigation into the attempted assassination. DeSantis’s comments on the lack of cooperation from federal authorities add yet another layer of intrigue to a story that’s quickly spiraling out of control. One can only imagine how Hollywood would spin this rollercoaster of a narrative with its elements of crime, politics, and a family entangled in an increasingly tangled web.

Written by Staff Reports

FBI Arrests Son of Man Who Plotted to Shoot Trump in Disturbing Turn of Events