
Fauci & CCP’s Dark Secret: COVID Lab Leak Cover-Up Exposed!

Breaking news reveals that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and American “experts” like Dr. Anthony Fauci may be to blame for the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CCP has fervently tried to prevent an independent investigation into the matter, which a strong circumstantial evidence supports the conclusion that it may have been a lab leak. The CCP would have allowed independent scientists to confirm that the virus emerged naturally, but they did the opposite. This evidence includes the fact that a prominent Chinese scientist, Ben Hu, who had done extensive laboratory research on how coronaviruses infect humans and worked on coronavirus projects funded by the U.S. government, was one of three researchers to become ill in November 2019 with symptoms that American officials said were consistent with either COVID-19 or a seasonal illness.

To recap, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has a track record of shoddy biomedical security incidents and is where the Chinese government and military conducted “classified,” “covert,” and “dangerous” experiments to artificially create “the world’s most deadly coronaviruses to create a new mutant virus just as the pandemic began.” In addition, the virus’s origins and the global epicenter of the pandemic, Wuhan, China, where it indisputably began, remain a subject of debate because China has blocked access, punished whistleblowers, and destroyed evidence.

Unfortunately, whispering a syllable about the lab leak, let alone the Chinese Military’s possible role in the experiments at said lab, was verboten and censored inside the United States for quite some time because of Dr. Fauci’s influence. Terms like “conspiracy theory” and “misinformation” were hurled, and it was even routinely suggested that raising the possibility of lab leak origins was racist. Fauci himself received an email thanking him for publicly dismissing lab leak theories, sent by a researcher with strong financial incentives to make that theory go away. Fauci then helped commission and “prompt” a study specifically to “disprove” the lab leak, which he later touted in his official capacity without disclosing his role in its provenance and review.

In 2021, Fauci called the likelihood of COVID leaking from the Wuhan lab “very, very, very, very remote,” but recent events suggest otherwise. Fauci, who fancies himself the very embodiment of Science Itself, has been caught in multiple lies and cover-ups. This thread is important because it suggests that Fauci, the person picked to stop the pandemic, is indirectly responsible for causing it. The experts’ censorship of the lab leak theory and their mishandling of the pandemic have led to dire consequences for millions worldwide. It is time for the truth to come out, and for accountability and justice to be served.

Written by Staff Reports

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