
FBI Agent Confirms No Tampering on Hunter Biden’s Laptop in Gun Trial Testimony

Well, well, well! Hold onto your cowboy hats, folks, because in the latest episode of “The Hunter Biden Show,” witness Erika Jensen, an FBI agent, dropped a truth bomb on the poor fella’s gun trial jury. She declared that there was absolutely, positively, no tampering with Hunter’s infamous laptop. Say what now? That’s right! The claims of hacking and manipulation that Hunter’s buddies have been yakking about for ages? Total baloney!

In a shocking twist, Hunter’s very own whip-smart forensics expert, Denver Riggleman, waltzed onto the scene claiming that the data floating around about the so-called “Laptop from Hell” was as fake as a three-dollar bill. It’s like a bad soap opera, but without the dramatic music! Hunter’s defense team was doing the ol’ song and dance routine, trying to convince everyone that maybe, just maybe, the laptop was as authentic as a unicorn sighting.

But wait, there’s more! Hunter’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, tried to play detective and poke holes in the laptop’s credibility. He grilled Jensen with questions about possible tampering, but she shut him down faster than a door in a hurricane. Nope, nada, zilch! Jensen even confirmed the laptop’s authenticity on Tuesday, leaving jaws dropping all around.

And guess what? The Department of Justice confirmed that this high-tech drama llama belonged to Hunter by matching the contents with his iCloud. Talk about a smoking gun! The “laptop from hell” story, originally brought to the world by Emma-Jo Morris of Breitbart News, has been a rollercoaster of twists and turns since its debut in October 2020. Even CNN was forced to eat its words and admit that, hey, maybe this whole laptop thing wasn’t just a tall tale after all.

So, there you have it, folks! The Hunter Biden saga continues to unfold like a poorly written movie script, with politicians and press secretaries scrambling to save face. What a wild ride it’s been! But hey, isn’t that the joy of politics? Stay tuned for the next episode of “As the Laptop Turns”!

Written by Staff Reports

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