
FBI Authorized Deadly Force in Mar-a-Lago Raid New Revelations Show

A recent event at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property has stirred controversy, with some saying it was a political move by President Biden’s team to hurt Trump. The FBI’s search for classified documents in August was just the start of this mess.

New information from journalist Julie Kelly reveals that the FBI had permission to use deadly force during the raid. This raises concerns about the intentions behind the operation. Was it a standard procedure, or was it a special authorization for this specific raid?

The revelation that there was a potential use of deadly force adds another layer to the already contentious situation. Kelly’s findings suggest that agents were ready to physically confront Trump and his Secret Service detail if needed. This raises questions about the true motives behind the raid – was it a genuine concern for safety, or a ploy to harm Trump politically?

The implications of these findings are concerning. It raises doubts about the intentions of those involved in the raid and the lengths they were willing to go to achieve their goals. If Trump were to return to the White House, there may be a need for a thorough review and overhaul of the Department of Justice to prevent such incidents from happening again.

This new information sheds light on the troubling aspects of the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago and calls into question the integrity and motives of those involved. It serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in government actions, especially when they involve high-profile individuals like former presidents.

Written by Staff Reports

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