
FBI Chief Shocker: Terror Suspects Slipped Through US Borders!

In a shocking revelation, FBI Director Christopher Wray confirmed during a meeting of the House Homeland Security Committee that members of Iranian-backed terror groups are already present in the United States. This news comes just a month after the horrifying attack by Hamas, another Iranian-backed terror group, that claimed the lives of 1,400 people in Israel. It is deeply concerning to think that these dangerous individuals could be operating within our borders.

During the hearing, Texas Republican Rep. August Pfluger raised an important question about terrorists potentially crossing the southern border. He asked if there are still individuals in the United States who are known to match the Terror Watch List but have not yet been located. Wray admitted that there are indeed people the FBI is searching for within the country.

This revelation aligns with a recent report by the Daily Caller, which stated that Border Patrol agents apprehended 13 individuals last month whose names appear on the federal terror watch list. Customs and Border Protection data revealed that encounters with those on the watch list have increased significantly, with 172 encounters in fiscal year 2023 compared to 98 in fiscal year 2022. The numbers are even more staggering when compared to just a dozen encounters between fiscal years 2018 and 2020.

The CBP has claimed that encounters with individuals on the watch list are “very uncommon,” but these numbers suggest otherwise. It is clear that our border security is not as strong as it needs to be to prevent potential terrorists from entering the country. This is yet another reason why we must prioritize securing our borders and implementing stricter immigration policies. The safety and security of American citizens should always be our top priority.

It is crucial that the Biden administration takes these findings seriously and immediately addresses the issue. The potential presence of Iranian-backed terrorists within our country is a grave threat that cannot be ignored. We need stronger border security measures and increased cooperation between law enforcement agencies to ensure that these individuals are identified and apprehended before they can carry out any acts of terror on American soil. This issue demands urgent attention and action from our leaders.

Written by Staff Reports

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