
FBI Targets Patriot Lady for Anti-Biden Memes!

In a shocking display of Big Brother tactics, three individuals claiming to be FBI agents recently paid a visit to a woman’s home in Oklahoma. And what nefarious deeds had this woman committed, you ask? Well, it turns out she had the audacity to exercise her constitutional right to free speech by posting anti-Biden memes on Facebook. 

Now, you might be thinking, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a few harmless memes.” But hold onto your hats, folks, because it gets even more Orwellian. These so-called FBI agents were not there to discuss the weather or borrow a cup of sugar. Oh no, they were there on a mission to question the woman about her perfectly innocent social media posts. And to top it all off, they didn’t even bother to show any identification or explain their presence. 

But wait, there’s more. This isn’t an isolated incident. This is just the latest example of the Department of Justice morphing into Joe Biden’s personal secret police. It’s like something out of a spy movie, except it’s happening right here in our own backyard. The politicization of the DOJ under the Biden administration is turning it into a modern-day Stasi, with agents knocking on doors and intimidating citizens who dare to express dissenting opinions.

And if you think this is an overreaction, think again. This is part of a pattern of government overreach and suppression of free speech. We’ve seen the DOJ cozying up to big tech companies like Twitter, engaging in censorship and silencing voices that don’t toe the liberal line. And let’s not forget the pressure on Amazon to censor books that challenge the mainstream narrative on COVID vaccines. It’s like a page out of George Orwell’s “1984.”

But the cherry on top of this authoritarian sundae is the harassment of pro-life activists. FBI agents have been turning up unannounced at their homes, trying to intimidate and silence them. It’s a clear violation of their rights and a shameful abuse of power. If President Trump is re-elected in 2024, one of the top priorities should be cleaning house at the DOJ and putting an end to these Gestapo-like tactics once and for all.

The land of the free and the home of the brave is starting to resemble a scene from a Cold War spy thriller, and it’s all thanks to the heavy-handed tactics of the Biden administration and their cronies in the DOJ. It’s time to stand up, speak out, and put an end to this flagrant abuse of power before it’s too late.

Written by Staff Reports

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