
FBI Witch Hunt Against Devout Catholics Exposed!

In a shocking abuse of authority, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was captured targeting innocent Catholics. A report obtained by Fox News Digital from the House Weaponization Committee indicates that the FBI conducted interviews with a church choir director and a priest as part of its investigation into "radical traditionalist" Catholics. Are you able to trust it? An organization whose mission is to safeguard the American people, the FBI is currently targeting law-abiding citizens who adhere to traditional Catholicism. It is ludicrous!

The FBI even incorporated data from the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center into a disclosed memo from the FBI Richmond Field Office, for your information. The bureau's deliberate targeting of Catholics was evident in the memorandum entitled "Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities." The FBI's erroneous targeting of innocent individuals on the basis of their traditional beliefs is manifest.

Contrary to the denials of FBI Director Christopher Wray, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) disclosed that the memo had been formulated in collaboration with multiple FBI field offices. This demonstrates that the FBI's unjust targeting of Catholics transcends a solitary incident. Clearly, the FBI is beset by a disturbing pattern of conduct that requires urgent attention!

"No legitimate basis existed for the memorandum to insert federal law enforcement into Catholic houses of worship," according to the committee's report. It is startling that the FBI would interfere with religious institutions and exceed its authority. This egregious infringement upon religious liberty demonstrates an egregious disregard for the principles upon which our nation was established.

The committee further determined that the FBI exploited its counterterrorism resources to identify Catholic Americans as possible domestic terrorists. The FBI should undoubtedly be held responsible for its flagrant abuse of authority, which it has manifestly demonstrated here.

The FBI's justification for its actions, which the memo "failed to meet the rigorous standards of the FBI," is insufficient. The truth remains that the FBI unjustly targeted and investigated innocent Catholics, thereby infringing upon their religious liberties. Such an egregious misuse of authority must not be disregarded.

The time has come for the American people to demand transparency and impartiality from our law enforcement agencies and for the FBI to be held accountable for its actions. Nobody ought to be burdened with the dread of unjust persecution at the hands of the very government entrusted with their protection. It is necessary to hold the FBI to a higher standard and to ensure that justice is served for the innocent Catholics who were unjustly singled out.

Written by Staff Reports

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