
Fed Appeals Court Backs Woke: FL’s Stop WOKE Act Blocked

In a blow to the conservative push against critical race theory, a federal appeals court recently upheld a ruling blocking Florida’s “Stop WOKE Act.” Yes, you heard that right – WOKE Act. It’s like a bad dream where liberal ideology runs rampant! This Act was meant to combat the left’s indoctrination efforts in schools and private organizations, but alas, it seems the “woke” warriors have found a way to slip through the cracks.

Imagine Governor Ron DeSantis and his Republican comrades gearing up to squash the left’s attempts to make people feel guilty about their race or sex, only to have their hopes dashed in court. The gall of those judges appointed by our great leader, President Trump, to go against the wishes of the people and protect freedom of speech. How dare they!

The court ruled that the Act went too far in restricting how private entities could conduct diversity and inclusion training. Well, isn’t that just peachy?! The left is all about “inclusion” until it doesn’t fit their narrative, then it’s out the window faster than you can say “cancel culture.”

And let’s not forget the argument that the Act was whitewashing America’s history on race – please! We don’t need leftist propaganda infecting our kids’ minds with guilt and division. It’s about time someone stood up against this madness!

But fear not, fellow conservatives, all hope is not lost. The court only struck down the parts of the law that applied to private companies. There’s still a glimmer of hope that the government can find a way to protect Floridians from the scourge of woke ideology. Let’s hope they take this fight all the way to the Supreme Court and show those leftists that we won’t back down in the face of their radical agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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