
Fetterman’s Incoherent Attempt to Attack Marjorie Taylor Greene!

In a recent interview on MSNBC, Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) made quite a spectacle of himself while discussing his social media clash with Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. The conversation was sparked by an X-Twitter feud these two politicians had over the Senate’s decision to do away with its dress code. Fetterman, known for always showing up to work in a hoodie, seemed to have some personal stake in this matter, as the Senate’s dress code change clearly bothers him.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, never one to hold back her opinions, voiced her displeasure with the Senate’s decision, calling it “disgraceful” and claiming that the dress code is essential for maintaining proper etiquette and respect for our institutions. And hey, she’s got a point! But Fetterman wasn’t about to let her have the last word.

In his response to Greene, Fetterman took the opportunity to attack her platform and accuse her of displaying “ding-a-ling pics” during public hearings. Now, that’s a low blow! And when asked by Chris Hayes about his Twitter feud with MTG, Fetterman offered up an incoherent word salad that left everyone scratching their heads. It seems like his tongue got tied up in knots, and the result was a jumbled mess of words that only he could understand.

This isn’t the first time Fetterman’s bizarre behavior has been caught on camera. Just last week, during the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, Fetterman’s handler had to quickly pull him away after he made a strange and concerning statement. It’s becoming increasingly clear that Fetterman may not be firing on all cylinders, and perhaps someone should step in and give him a little guidance.

Clearly, Fetterman’s antics are just a distraction from the important matters at hand. It’s time for him to focus on the work he was elected to do instead of engaging in childish Twitter feuds and spouting nonsense on national television. The American people deserve better representation than this clown show.

Written by Staff Reports

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