
FTC Targets Musk’s Twitter Takeover: Biden Admin’s Shocking Overreach Exposed!

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) went on a rampage against Twitter after Elon Musk took over the platform. Previously, a report by the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government had shed some light on the FTC’s targeting of Twitter. But now, thanks to a new legal motion filed by Musk’s X Corp, the true extent of the FTC’s harassment has come to light. And let me tell you, folks, it looks more like an ideologically driven shakedown than a legitimate inquiry.

The motion, filed on Thursday, seeks to protect Musk’s Twitter by terminating the FTC’s consent order imposed on the social network back in 2022. It argues that the FTC’s conduct has been irregular and improper, and that it has tainted the entire investigation with bias. According to the filing, even the independent assessor designated by the FTC to evaluate Twitter’s privacy and information security program, Ernst & Young (EY), felt like the FTC was trying to influence the outcome from the get-go.

The motion reveals that the FTC was not content with a fair assessment by EY. Oh no, they wanted specific procedures performed and even dictated the expected results before the assessment had even begun. Talk about meddling! This led to concerns within EY that if they didn’t comply with the FTC’s demands, they would face retribution. It’s a sad state of affairs when the federal government uses fear as a weapon to force private entities into submission.

This ordeal demonstrates just how weaponized our government has become. It goes after ideological and political dissenters, targeting platforms that allow free expression of views. And let’s not forget who’s in charge right now – the Biden administration. It’s no surprise that the Biden FTC is engaging in this insanely illegal overreach. It’s the same playbook they’ve been using since day one.

We must defend the rights of private entities to operate without undue interference from the government. It’s time to rein in the FTC and put an end to their biased and harassing behavior. Elon Musk isn’t just fighting for his own platform – he’s fighting for all of us who value freedom of speech and the ability to express our views without fear of government retribution. Stand with Musk and let the Biden administration know that their overreach will not go unanswered! Let’s protect our rights and make America great again!

Written by Staff Reports

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