
Game Changer: Bidens Accept 7th Grandchild Into the Fold!

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden have finally acknowledged their seventh grandchild, Navy Joan, after years of keeping her existence hidden. The declaration came in the form of a statement provided to Fox News, where the Bidens identified Navy Joan as their granddaughter and mentioned her mother, Lunden Roberts. It seems that the Biden family is now focused on fostering a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter.

While the Bidens may claim that this is not a political issue, it is hard to ignore the fact that they only acknowledged Navy Joan after facing widespread criticism. Their previous silence on the matter raised eyebrows and questioning from legal scholars like Jonathan Turley, who called the first family’s behavior a “monstrosity.” Turley even expressed his disgust again after the recent announcement, suggesting that the Bidens’ motive was driven by the backlash they received, even from fellow Democrats.

It is also worth noting that Hunter Biden fought in court to keep Navy Joan from using his last name. This action raises questions about the Biden family’s commitment to their grandchild. Furthermore, the First Lady drew attention for failing to include Navy Joan’s stocking in their White House Christmas decorations, despite including stockings for the family pets. These actions add to the growing criticism of the Bidens’ treatment of their granddaughter.

All in all, it is clear that the Bidens have faced significant backlash and scrutiny for their avoidance of Navy Joan’s existence. Their recent acknowledgement may be a step in the right direction, but many still question the sincerity of their actions. This family matter has become a political issue due to the Bidens’ high-profile status, and it is essential to hold them accountable for their choices.

Written by Staff Reports

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