
Garland’s Impeachment Looms: Whistleblower Exposes DOJ Cover-Up in Hunter Biden Case

Attorney General Merrick Garland finds himself in hot water as conservatives call for an impeachment inquiry. The reason behind the uproar? Well, it appears that Garland may have been less than truthful when he claimed that the Department of Justice had no influence over the Hunter Biden investigation. Recent revelations from IRS whistleblowers reveal a different story altogether, one that involves pervasive DOJ meddling.

According to CBS News, IRS Agent Gary Shapley contradicted Garland’s testimony, stating that prosecutors working on the case wanted to charge Hunter Biden with tax offenses. However, their efforts were thwarted on multiple occasions. The investigation task force was even disbanded, raising eyebrows and suspicions of political interference.

To make matters worse for Garland, The New York Times confirmed these allegations, albeit with an attempt to bury the story. It seems that the mainstream media is doing its best to protect the attorney general from impeachment, but conservatives are not easily fooled by their spin.

Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal points out the two crucial questions that Garland must answer regarding the DOJ’s conduct in the Hunter Biden investigation. First, did the president’s appointed attorneys refuse to bring charges against the president’s son, contradicting the team that had spent years building a case against him? And second, did US Attorney David Weiss, who was leading the investigation, receive formal authority to bring charges on his own?

The answer to the first question seems to be a resounding yes, and that alone is scandalous. If Biden-appointed attorneys blocked the prosecution in specific jurisdictions, it demolishes Garland’s claim that the case was apolitical. The evidence is mounting, with the testimony of IRS Agent Gary Shapley and supporting documentation. Insiders present at an October 2022 meeting, where Weiss allegedly declared his inability to proceed with charges due to pressure from Biden-appointed US Attorney Matthew Graves, are ready to testify.

As for Mr. Weiss’s authority to file charges, Garland’s assertion that he had even more authority than a special counsel raises eyebrows. Unless he received formal authorization, such power would be unusual. The absence of a written delegation confirming Weiss’s authority to file charges in different districts lends credence to the suspicion that Garland may be hiding something.

The implications of these revelations go beyond partisan politics. The actions of the Department of Justice suggest a deliberate attempt to cover up potential wrongdoing by Hunter Biden and, possibly, even implicating President Joe Biden himself. Congressional Republicans now have a responsibility to investigate not only Hunter but also the actions of the DOJ. The sub-committee on the weaponization of the federal government and the House Oversight Committee should join forces to delve into these matters aggressively.

It appears that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s claims of an apolitical investigation into Hunter Biden have been shattered. The American public deserves the truth, and if interference by the DOJ is proven, it would be a severe blow to the principles of justice and accountability. It’s time to shed light on the alleged corruption within the DOJ and its potential link to the Biden family.

Written by Staff Reports

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