
Gen Z Shows Biden the Backdoor, Rides Trump Train to 2024

In a shocking turn of events, young, alternative-minded voters are making it clear that they’re not jumping on Team Biden anytime soon! They’re waving the Trump flag with a resounding “yeehaw!” and are ready to ride out another four years with a Republican president.

According to NBC News, a recent poll shows that 18 to 34-year-old voters are giving Trump the nod over Biden, 36% to 34%. Sure, it’s a slim margin, but it’s still a disaster for ol’ Joe and his re-election dreams. Normally, the young ‘uns are all about the left-leaning crew, but it looks like they’re breaking tradition and leaning towards the red side.

These young voters are sounding off about Biden’s lackluster delivery on his promises. They’re not too jazzed about his approach to climate change, student debt, or abortion protections. 

Take Camarena for example. This 24-year-old from the Bay Area ain’t sugarcoating it. They’re thinking, “If I vote for Biden, I’m basically telling the Democrats that their bare minimum effort is all good.” And that’s a hard pass from them.

And then there’s McKenzie, a 23-year-old who’s working at Starbucks and rocking the union organizer gig in Wisconsin. They’re straight-up saying, “I can’t live with myself if I support someone like Biden.” 

Even when it comes to foreign policy, the Gen Z and millennial crew ain’t feeling the love for Biden. They’re throwing shade at his support for Israel and it’s hitting the president where it hurts the most.

To top it off, Biden’s record isn’t looking so hot in the eyes of these young voters. The Supreme Court gave the boot to Roe v. Wade, Biden’s been cozying up to fossil fuels, and his plans to erase student debt fell flat on its face.

The youngins are feeling the squeeze, and they’re not afraid to let it be known. It’s a wake-up call for Biden, the Democrats, and anyone else who’s gunning for their support.


Written by Staff Reports

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