
Gingrich Slams Desperate Dems Clinging to Past-Due Biden 2024 Campaign

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich appeared on Fox News’s The Ingraham Angle to discuss the current state of the Democratic Party and President Joe Biden’s reelection chances. Gingrich believes that the Democrats are growing desperate as Biden’s low poll numbers continue to haunt his campaign. He pointed to recent head-to-head polls that showed Biden losing to former President Donald Trump, the leading contender for the GOP nomination.

According to Gingrich, the left’s desperation is unprecedented in American politics, perhaps comparable to the South in 1860. He predicted that it will only become worse as the race progresses. Gingrich criticized Biden’s poor performance with key Democratic voting blocs, claiming that they see the Democratic Party as “nuts.” African Americans, Latinos, young Americans, and Asian Americans are reportedly turning away from the Democrats, which Gingrich attributes to their dissatisfaction and the myriad issues facing the country, such as fentanyl, crime, immigration, and the rising cost of living.

Gingrich argued that a reasonable Democratic Party would demand Biden’s resignation due to his evident incompetence. However, he believes that the party is incapable of doing so, and even if Biden were to step down, the Democrats would not allow Kamala Harris to be defeated because within their party, they perceive a black woman as untouchable. These strong statements from Gingrich highlight the internal division and challenges facing the Democratic Party as they struggle to maintain their support and rally around their faltering candidate.

A recent poll by The New York Times/Siena College corroborates Gingrich’s claims. The poll showed Trump receiving a larger share of the black vote when matched against Biden, with 22% supporting Trump compared to 12% in 2020. Additionally, Trump gained 42% of Hispanic voters in swing states, a significant increase from the 32% he received in 2020. While the national polling average still places Trump slightly ahead of Biden in a hypothetical rematch of the 2020 election, Trump seems to have a definitive lead in several swing states. These numbers further validate Gingrich’s assessment of Biden’s waning popularity and the Democrats’ struggle to maintain their voter base.

The Democratic Party’s reliance on identity politics and their failure to address the concerns of diverse voter groups are coming back to haunt them. Their desperation to keep Biden in power shows a party that is more interested in maintaining control than in governing effectively. It’s clear that Biden’s time is up, and the Democrats should have the integrity to recognize that and find a stronger candidate who can actually connect with the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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