
Giuliani Guilty: Poll Workers Defamed, Trump Next?

In a shocking turn of events, former Trump advisor Rudy Giuliani has been found guilty of defaming Georgia poll workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss. Now, their lawyer is suggesting that former President Donald Trump might find himself in a similar situation. Oh boy, this is about to get juicy!

According to the Washington Examiner, lawyer Mike Gottlieb, who represented Freeman and Moss, hinted at the possibility of a lawsuit against Trump. During an interview with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Gottlieb made it clear that he won’t tolerate anyone defaming his clients. He boldly stated that if people continue spreading lies about Freeman and Moss, they can expect to hear from him. You go, Gottlieb!

It’s no surprise that Trump has found himself in the middle of this legal mess. The Examiner reported that he specifically singled out Freeman during a 2021 phone call with Georgia officials, calling her a “professional vote scammer” and a “hustler.” Oof, those are some strong words. But hey, if the shoe fits, right?

In her ruling, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell didn’t hold back her criticism of Giuliani. She pointed out that he failed to produce important documents required by the rules of discovery. How dare he think he can just waltz around and ignore his responsibilities! Howell emphasized that bypassing the discovery process comes with serious consequences, even potential criminal liability. Giuliani should have known better.

This ruling now opens the door for a civil trial where the amount of damages Giuliani has to pay Freeman and Moss will be determined. It’s poetic justice, really. The poll workers, as reported by the Associated Press, have had to endure a living nightmare filled with hatred and threats because of Giuliani’s baseless allegations. They have asserted that they did nothing wrong and were smeared for purely political reasons. Well, it looks like the truth has finally prevailed.

It’s essential that those responsible for spreading these lies are held accountable. Giuliani’s defamation has caused immense harm to these innocent poll workers who were just doing their jobs. This case serves as a warning to anyone who thinks they can defame others without consequences. Let’s hope that justice is fully served and that Freeman and Moss receive the compensation they deserve. We must stand against baseless attacks and support the integrity of our democratic processes.

Written by Staff Reports

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