
GOP Bill Slams ESG: Hails Retirement Profits

Rick Allen, a Republican from Georgia, has proposed a bill that would prioritize financial returns over ESG factors when it comes to retirement savings. The bill, which is referred to as the RETIRE Act, seeks to change the 1974 law that established the requirements for the consideration of various factors.

In a statement released on his website, Allen criticized the Department of Labor's (DOL) rule, which was implemented in November 2022, which allowed investors to consider various environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when making investments. He claimed that the agency was prioritizing its political agenda over the needs of Americans when it came to retirement savings.

The proposed legislation aims to address this issue by establishing key features that aim to protect the earnings of workers and counteract what Allen views as the government's overreaching influence in investment decisions. He claims that President Biden's administration has been pushing an "expensive, rush-to-green agenda" that affects every aspect of Americans' lives, including retirement savings.

The bill was presented to the Education and Workforce Committee. It calls for the establishment of a framework that ensures that plan sponsors make informed decisions regarding the investments of their clients. Instead of being influenced by political or ideological factors, Allen believes that plan sponsors should solely rely on returns.

The act challenges the DOL's rule, which was implemented in 2022. It allowed retirement plan administrators to consider the financial advantages of investing in companies that are committed to improving the environment. Marty Walsh, a former Labor Secretary, praised the rule as a way to help Americans save for their retirement. Lisa Gomez, the assistant secretary for employee benefits security at the DOL, also noted the importance of ESG factors in making decisions.

According to Allen, the country is already struggling to meet its basic needs due to the policies of the Biden administration. He claims that Americans should not have to deal with the issues of depleted savings as a result of political mismanagement. His goal is to give individuals the freedom to manage their financial futures.

Due to the concerns raised by the administration regarding the implementation of the climate-focused rule, several investment firms, such as BlackRock and Vanguard, have started to reduce their support for shareholder proposals that call for ESG measures. For instance, in 2023, Vanguard said it would only back about 2% of these proposals.

The White House has not responded to The Epoch Times' request regarding Allen's bill. It is expected to face opposition from environmental and progressive groups, which believe that ESG factors play a vital role in making investment decisions.

Written by Staff Reports

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