
GOP Finds Backbone, Demands Border Security

House Republicans have finally found their backbone and are taking a stand for increased border security. The New York Times, known for its liberal bias, is crying doom and gloom, suggesting that the deal may fall apart and the government could face a shutdown. But let’s be real, folks, a little shutdown never hurt anyone.

Indiana Congresswoman Victoria Spartz is a true warrior, calling out her weak-kneed colleagues for lacking the courage to stand up for their country. She rightly points out that it’s all about power and photo-ops for these career politicians. We need leaders who are willing to fight for the American people, not just their own egos.

And speaking of egos, weak Speaker Pelosi can’t even commit to discussing our massive debt crisis. It’s a shame that she is so afraid of taking responsibility that she won’t even allow a commission to discuss the issue. But hey, who needs accountability when you can just keep spending other people’s hard-earned money, right?

Kudos to Representative Eli Crane from Arizona for saying enough is enough. This town of spendthrifts needs a reality check. It’s time to kick the addiction to spending and start prioritizing the needs of the American people.

Now, there are a few Republicans who seem to have lost their way and are willing to work with Democrats to pass this bill. But thankfully, they are facing pushback from other members of the caucus who actually have principles. We don’t need wishy-washy politicians who can’t even stand up for their own beliefs.

Congressman Mike Lawler, fortunately, sees through the weak arguments of his colleagues. He knows that we cannot allow a government shutdown, but he is willing to pass a continuing resolution without them. It’s time for these spineless Republicans to get with the program or get out of the way.

So, let’s rally behind these true conservative champions who are fighting for border security and fiscal responsibility. It’s time to drain the swamp and ensure a better future for our children and grandchildren. Let the Democrats and their liberal media allies cry and whine all they want, but the Republican Party is finally finding its way back to its conservative roots. And that’s something we can all cheer for. God bless our brave leaders!

Written by Staff Reports

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