
GOP Governor Blocks Trans Sports Madness; USA Climbing Caves!

Last week, Townhall reported some pretty epic news. Guess what? A Republican governor stood up and put the kibosh on some crazy legislation about the whole transgender thing. One part of the law he nixed was all about not letting dudes who think they’re “trans women” play on girls’ sports teams. Pretty cool, huh?

But hold onto your hats, because the drama didn’t stop there. USA Boxing announced that they are totally cool with “trans women” duking it out with actual gals in the ring. And now, it looks like another sport is jumping on the bandwagon.

This week, USA Climbing dropped a bombshell. They said they’re gonna hit the pause button on a policy that would’ve made “transgender” athletes compete based on their biological sex, not their gender identity.

“To reduce administrative headaches for all the athletes, USA Climbing is pumping the brakes on the Transgender Athlete Participation Policy,” they said in a statement. “Athletes can keep doing their thing in the gender category matching their identity. We’re all about making sure everyone gets a fair shot at competing. Stay tuned for our updated policy in a few weeks.”

But not everyone is cheering this decision on. Riley Gaines, a former NCAA swimmer who tied with Will “Lia” Thomas, straight up called it “embarrassing” and pointed out how it’s not cool to make women go head-to-head with men who think they’re women.

Then there’s Carilyn Johnson, a bada** who’s repped Team USA four times. She’s not feeling this move, either. She’s asking why this is still happening, especially in climbing where guys have the upper hand with their stronger muscles and longer wingspan. She thinks it’s all just some big prank.

And get this, @USAClimbing is not even keeping their replies open. Can you believe that? They’re not even up for a good old-fashioned debate. Talk about a letdown for the female athletes. If they’re gonna have such a lopsided policy, they should at least be ready to handle the heat when folks call them out.

See, since all the hoopla with Will “Lia” Thomas, a bunch of states have said “nuh-uh” to letting transgender athletes play on teams that match their “gender identity.”

Gaines told Townhall earlier that the whole drama with Thomas has opened up a can of worms. It’s like people saw what was going down and thought, “Hey, let’s jump on that train and take advantage of it. Who cares if it means the girl athletes get the short end of the stick?”

Written by Staff Reports

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