
GOP Governors Rev Up Resistance to Biden’s Electric Car Crusade

In a brazen move to protect the freedom of car-loving Americans, a band of heroic Republican governors is standing up to President Joe Biden’s audacious attempt to force-feed electric vehicles to the masses. These governors, including the illustrious names of Sarah Sanders, Brad Little, and even the legendary Greg Abbott, have boldly declared in a letter to the president that they will not stand idly by while the federal government tries to shove eco-friendly cars down their constituents’ throats.

The governors, in their letter, made it abundantly clear that they are not anti-electric vehicles, but rather staunchly against the heavy-handed mandates from the federal government. They argue that these mandates unfairly penalize retailers and completely ignore the desires of the hardworking, freedom-loving American consumers. These poor consumers are being strong-armed into embracing electric vehicles, despite the exorbitant costs and lack of infrastructure to support them.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in a display of unfathomable hubris, is pushing for a preposterous two-thirds of vehicles in the U.S. to be battery-powered by 2032. These Republican governors, with their impeccable foresight, recognize the absurdity of such a goal and are bravely standing up for common sense and consumer choice. They shrewdly point out that the infrastructure for electric vehicles is sorely lacking and express valid concerns about the grid’s capacity and reliability to support such an ambitious transition.

Not only are these esteemed governors fighting the good fight, but they are joined by a legion of car dealerships who have also voiced their vehement opposition to the Biden administration’s tyrannical EV mandate. These valiant dealerships, no doubt representing the true voice of the American people, have pleaded with the administration to “tap the brakes” on this misguided proposal. They understand that the exorbitant costs, the lack of infrastructure, and the onerous battery requirements make electric vehicles utterly unappealing and unattainable for the average American consumer.

In their noble quest for consumer choice and fiscal responsibility, these Republican governors have shown that they will not be cowed by the whims of the federal government. They understand that the American people deserve the freedom to choose the vehicles that best suit their needs, without being coerced into embracing costly and impractical alternatives. These governors are the true defenders of freedom and champions of the American way of life, and their unwavering stand against the EV mandate is a beacon of hope for all patriotic car enthusiasts across the nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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