
GOP Passes Bill to Shield Colleges from Foreign Meddling

In a resounding victory for transparency and national security, the House of Representatives, led by our trusty Republican friends, passed the Defending Education Transparency and Ending Rogue Regimes Engaging in Nefarious Transactions Act. The bill, sponsored by the illustrious Rep. Michelle Steel (R-CA), aims to tighten reporting requirements for universities that receive hefty donations from foreign entities. And boy, oh boy, was it a sight to see.

With a vote of 246-170, the bill made its way one step closer to becoming law, much to the dismay of the liberal elites who want to keep our universities under the thumb of foreign influence. But fear not, dear readers, because 31 Democrats decided to join their Republican counterparts in supporting this all-important bill. Yes, you heard that right, bipartisanship is still alive and well, at least when it comes to protecting our beloved institutions of higher learning from the clutches of nefarious foreign actors.

Rep. Steel, a shining beacon of conservative values, didn’t hold back in expressing her support for the bill. She knows a thing or two about the dangers of foreign influence, especially from those dastardly CCP agents. “They want something in return,” she declared, referring to the countries that lavishly donate to our universities. Whether it’s terror-friendly states like Qatar and Iran or the ruthless Chinese Communist Party, our campuses must not succumb to the puppetry of countries that harbor disdain for our great nation.

If this bill manages to become law, colleges would be required to disclose any foreign donations of at least $50,000, as well as any donations from “countries and entities of concern.” The current law’s threshold of $250,000 for disclosure simply won’t cut it anymore. We need to know exactly where the money is coming from and just what strings might be attached. This legislation is part of a vital mission to clamp down on foreign influences, specifically those pesky Chinese Communist Party operatives who are lurking in the shadows of our higher education institutions.

And let’s not forget the Trump administration’s valiant efforts in this fight for transparency. Remember Betsy DeVos? Of course, you do! Well, her Department of Education released a report in 2020 that uncovered billions in previously undeclared foreign donations. It’s a good thing the Republicans are pushing forward with this bill, because transparency should never go out of style.

Of course, the majority of House Democrats protested the bill. But thankfully, a handful of them, mostly from competitive districts, saw the wisdom in supporting this crucial piece of legislation. Even Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who’s eyeing a Senate run, had the sense to vote for the bill. Let’s just hope the Senate can follow suit and pass this bill into law so we can finally stand up to those foreign entities trying to infiltrate our beloved universities.

Written by Staff Reports

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