
GOP Report Slams Biden for Catastrophic Afghanistan Withdrawal

The House recently released a report years in the making, chronicling the chaos and tragedy that surrounded the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Unsurprisingly, the blame squarely rests with President Joe Biden, whose combination of poor judgment and irrational decision-making culminated in what can only be described as the most disorganized retreat in American history. From announcing a definitive departure date of September 11, 2021, to the gruesome events at Abbey Gate where 13 American service members were killed, it seems Biden’s leadership was the gift that kept on giving—just not in a good way.

The report, crafted entirely by Republicans without a whisper of help from their Democrat counterparts, has been met with a chorus of criticism from the left. Some Democrats accused the committee of crafting a one-sided narrative—no surprise there. Rep. Greg Meeks from New York made it clear that he doesn’t recognize a fact unless it has the approval of the Democrat playbook. In the eyes of the White House, the report merely plucked “cherry-picked facts” from the truth tree, revealing the continued denial of responsibility among Biden’s team.

Looking back over the course of two decades, four presidents attempted to navigate the treacherous waters of Afghanistan. Yet when Biden threw the advice of military and foreign policy experts out the window in favor of his own stubborn timeline, it catalyzed a catastrophic exit that left many questioning his competence. He didn’t just upend a situation filled with challenges; he accelerated the disintegration of what little stability remained, abandoning thousands of Afghan allies to a grim fate while failing to safeguard American lives.

Even within the ranks of Republicans, dissent was evident. A senior investigator for the committee, Jerry Dunleavy, resigned in frustration, claiming the committee failed to pursue accountability for the families of the fallen. The report makes a clear case that the decisions drove by Biden’s personal belief that America did not belong in Afghanistan were devoid of strategic merit—a sentiment that should give every American pause, especially those with loved ones in uniform. 


When it comes to the evacuation itself, Biden’s timeline seems as if it was plucked from the realm of fantasy. As Kabul fell, he took his sweet time deploying additional troops for securing the airport—the very last bastion for many fleeing the chaos. The decision to abandon Bagram Air Force Base, an operational stronghold, was akin to handing a loaded weapon to the Taliban and saying, “Have at it.” As a result, the aftermath of this miscalculated retreat remains a sobering lesson in mismanagement.

Biden’s hurried exit was conducted without regard for consequences, inevitably leading to needless deaths and suffering. While two months may not seem like a lot in the grand scheme of things, many are left to wonder if those weeks could have saved lives and altered the landscape of Afghanistan. One thing is certain: the bumbling actions of the Biden administration turned an already complex situation into a nightmare, with repercussions that will haunt many for years to come.

Written by Staff Reports

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