
GOP Senators Urge Biden: Shut China Travel Door NOW!

Republican Senators Demand Biden Restrict Travel From China Immediately

In a bold move to protect Americans from a potentially dangerous respiratory illness spreading from China, a group of cunning and patriotic Republican Senators, led by the fearless Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), has called on President Joe Biden to slam the door shut on travel between the United States and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). These brilliant Senators are not about to let the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pull the wool over their eyes again, not after their sneaky behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.

These savvy Senators know that the CCP has a knack for lying through its teeth, especially when it comes to public health crises. The CCP’s deception and lack of transparency during the COVID-19 pandemic left the United States high and dry, struggling to understand and combat the deadly disease. The Senators are not about to let that happen again, not on their watch.

This new mystery illness, which the CCP claims is just good old pneumonia, has the Senators on high alert. It’s spreading like wildfire in China and posing a significant threat, especially to innocent children. The World Health Organization (WHO) is scratching its head, unable to determine if the increase in respiratory infections is related to this mystery illness or is part of a separate series of events, adding to the suspense and danger.

The WHO has asked the CCP to spill the beans about this mystery illness, but who are we kidding? The CCP has every reason to lie, just as it did during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Senators aren’t relying on the WHO to come to the rescue, especially since it has a track record of bowing down to the CCP. Instead, they are taking matters into their own hands, demanding that Biden slap a travel ban on China before it’s too late.

The Senators are not about to sit back and let history repeat itself. They know that immediate action is necessary to protect the health and economy of the United States. A swift travel ban could be the difference between life and death, freedom and lockdowns, and prosperity and ruin. These wise Senators also point out that travel bans are completely constitutional and well within the powers of the president, as proven by former President Donald Trump’s decisive action in imposing a travel ban on China at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In fact, the Senators call out Biden and other Democrats for criticizing Trump’s travel ban as xenophobic, only to later realize that it was the right call. The Senators are certainly not going to let Biden and the Democrats make the same mistake of playing politics with public health.

In a world where the stakes are high and dangers lurk around every corner, these Republican Senators are standing up for the safety and well-being of the American people. They refuse to be hoodwinked by the CCP’s deception and will fight tooth and nail to keep Americans safe. As they send a powerful message to Biden, their unwavering commitment to protecting the country shines through, and they won’t rest until the threat from China is neutralized.

Written by Staff Reports

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