
Grammer Defies Libs on Air: Unapologetic Trump Support Shocks BBC

Kelsey Grammer, known for his role as the lovable Frasier Crane, recently found himself in hot water after letting slip a little politically incorrect tidbit while appearing on the BBC’s “Today” radio program. The media platforming a reboot of his iconic character, Grammer was met with resistance when he voiced his support for none other than the former President Donald Trump.

Grammer, never one to shy away from controversy, stood his ground when directly asked about his political views. Though the BBC co-host tried to steer the conversation away from the topic, Grammer made it clear that he is still a Trump supporter. This led to some very awkward laughter, and the co-host quickly attempted to wrap things up, clearly feeling uneasy about the whole situation.

It’s quite telling that Paramount+, which is backing the reboot of the classic show “Frasier,” was quick to put the kibosh on Grammer’s remarks. It’s as if they were trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug like a used car salesman trying to hide a defect in their vehicle. However, the BBC co-host wasn’t about to let the censorship go unnoticed, pointing out that Grammer was perfectly willing to continue discussing his support for Trump.

It’s no surprise that the liberal elites are trying to silence those with conservative views, even in the entertainment industry. Despite the backlash, Grammer and Roseanne Barr have managed to remain relevant, proving that they won’t be pushed out simply for voicing their political opinions.

If you support Grammer and want to help combat the liberal bias in media, consider joining The Western Journal, an independent and family-owned news source that relies on its readership to continue speaking out against the left’s censorship. With your support, they can continue to shine a light on the truth and fight for traditional American values.

Written by Staff Reports

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