
Grassley Drops Major Truth Bomb on Biden Shady Bribery Plot

In a shocking revelation, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has brought to light the alleged criminal activities of the Biden family. It is being reported that the FBI had access to more than 40 confidential informants who provided information regarding Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden. However, it appears that there was an active effort by a specialized FBI team within the Washington Field Office to dismiss and suppress this information, labeling it as foreign disinformation. Despite these efforts, other sources were thoroughly examined by multiple U.S. attorney’s offices and found no association with recognized Russian disinformation channels.

This is a clear example of the liberal bias within the Justice Department and the FBI. There seems to be a concerted effort to protect the Bidens at all costs. Senator Grassley’s letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray highlights the political bias infecting the decision-making process of these agencies. This kind of corruption is unacceptable and poses a threat to our democratic system.

The Biden family has long been involved in questionable activities, with major disclosures suggesting a plot between Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and the leader of Burisma Holdings. It is alleged that the Bidens used their influence to pressure Burisma into paying them large sums of money. The FBI’s failure to investigate this information raises serious questions about their integrity and impartiality.

Senator Grassley has been relentless in his pursuit of the truth and has been demanding more information from the Justice Department and the FBI. He has rightfully criticized the FBI for attempting to hide the details of the document while praising the courageous whistleblowers who have come forward with this information.

This scandal involving the Biden family is a grave threat to our democracy. We cannot allow such political corruption to go unchecked. It is the duty of the Justice Department and the FBI to investigate these allegations fully and hold those responsible accountable. Our country’s future depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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