
Grassley Exposes Biden Bribery Scheme, Wray’s FBI Cover-Up Unraveled!

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) fearlessly addressed the Senate on Monday, revealing a scandalous bribery scheme involving former Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national. This shocking information, contained within an FBI FD-1023 report, has been concealed from the American public by the corrupt Biden administration, particularly the FBI and its director, Christopher Wray.

Grassley did not hold back in criticizing the FBI and Director Wray, accusing them of "deceiving the American people" by withholding the 1023 form from Congress and the public, despite a subpoena issued by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY). This behavior displays a complete lack of respect for Congress and our democratic values.

Fortunately, Chairman Comer collaborated closely with Senator Grassley in examining the 1023, which was unjustly treated as a classified document. Grassley raised a rhetorical question, asking why the entire country shouldn't be informed about its contents. He disclosed that the version reviewed by House members had only minor redactions, while the FBI had removed entire sentences from the original report.

However, the most astonishing revelation during Grassley's speech was the redacted portion of the 1023, which indicated that the foreign national—an executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma, where Joe Biden's son Hunter served on the board and earned significant sums of money—possessed audio recordings of conversations with them. Shockingly, the foreign national possessed 17 such recordings, 15 involving Hunter Biden and two with the then-Vice President. These recordings, allegedly kept as an insurance policy, are crucial evidence of Joe Biden's involvement in the bribery scheme.

Senator Grassley emphasized the imperative for Congress to have complete access to the unredacted 1023, as the public deserves to know the truth regarding Joe Biden's corruption. He called for the Justice Department and FBI to be held accountable, and for Congress to assert its constitutional oversight powers against the Biden administration, which has been running amok.

It's worth noting that Congress has received 1023s in the past, and they have been made public. Therefore, the request to release this 1023 to the American people is not unprecedented. It's high time for the Biden administration to cease their games and be transparent about their widespread corruption. Senator Grassley has done a commendable job in bringing this matter to the forefront, and now it falls upon us, the American people, to demand transparency and hold the Biden administration accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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