
Greene Exposes China’s Mutant COVID Death Virus – Global Threat Intensifies!

In a shocking new report, Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has sounded the alarm on the dangerous actions of Chinese scientists. These scientists have created a mutant strain of COVID-19 that has killed 100 percent of “humanized” mice in a disturbing study. Greene didn’t hold back, calling this deadly superbug a bio-weapon and condemning it as unethical and dangerous to the entire world. She also pointed out the devastating consequences of China’s previous lab-created virus and the mandated vaccines that followed, emphasizing the urgency of putting an end to such reckless experimentation.

The congresswoman’s concerns stem from a research report out of Beijing, which detailed the creation of a COVID-like pathogen that was tested on mice engineered to mimic a human-like genetic makeup. Shockingly, every mouse infected with the virus died within just eight days, showcasing the rapid lethality of this mutated strain. The abstract of the report highlighted the potential spillover risk of the deadly virus into humans, raising serious alarm bells about the implications for public health.

It’s not just Greene who’s sounding the alarm. Francois Balloux, the director of the University College London’s Genetics Institute, didn’t hold back in his criticism of the Chinese research, labeling it as “scientifically totally pointless” and warning of the potential disastrous consequences. Dr. Gennadi Glinsky, a research scientist at the Institute for Engineering in Medicine at the University of California, Davis, also decried the madness of creating such a deadly pathogen, calling for an immediate halt to these reckless experiments.

Even Dr. Marty Makary, a surgeon and public policy researcher at Johns Hopkins University, joined the chorus of voices questioning the necessity of these risky experiments. He pointed out that we’re still grappling with the catastrophic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, including senseless mask and vaccine mandates, mass business shutdowns, school closures, global economic damage, and social unrest. And considering the deep systemic failures exposed by Dr. Fauci’s testimony, it’s clear that we must do better in the future to prevent such calamities.

Amidst all of this, the bigger question remains: why are Chinese researchers actively engineering a deadly mutant “super-virus”? Instead of wielding their scientific expertise to save lives and improve health, they’re engaging in dangerous and senseless experimentation that poses a grave threat to the world. The urgent need for accountability and halting such reckless actions cannot be overstated.

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Written by Staff Reports

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