
Hamas Atrocities Exposed: McCaul Demands Biden Admin Take a Stand

In a bold move against the Biden administration’s weak stance on Hamas terrorism, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul is calling for a formal declaration of the barbaric actions committed by the Iran-funded terrorists. McCaul’s letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ambassador Beth Van Schaack makes it clear that Hamas’ assault on Israel was not just terrorism, but rather a full range of atrocity crimes under international law.

McCaul emphasizes that the horrific acts committed by Hamas cannot be justified, ignored, or denied. The facts speak for themselves: thousands of rockets raining down on Israel, the purging of Israeli villages resulting in the deaths of over 1,400 people, countless injuries, and the taking of hostages. We cannot turn a blind eye to the murder of civilians, the assault on kibbutzim, the massacring of families, and the degrading treatment of innocent individuals.

Hamas undoubtedly carried out these atrocities with the intention of causing maximum destruction. Recovered documents from the Hamas death squads prove that their assault was meticulously planned to devastate schools, youth centers, and kill as many people as possible. McCaul’s letter argues that the intent behind these acts of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes is undeniable.

It is indefensible to equivocate or deny the nature of these atrocities. The State Department must join Chairman McCaul in issuing a clear and unambiguous declaration that Hamas has committed acts of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes against the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Any party involved in the conflict must be held accountable according to international law.

The Biden administration’s call for a two-state solution while Hamas continues to commit acts of terror is naïve and dangerous. How can we expect peace when one side is engaging in genocide? It is time for decisive action and a strong stance against terrorism. The United States must demonstrate its commitment to justice and humanity by making a formal determination of Hamas’ crimes.

Hamas, like the Nazis of the past, must be held accountable for their atrocities. They deserve no mercy or forgiveness. The United States has a responsibility to answer the “plea of humanity to law” and ensure that justice is served. It is time for the State Department to act and show the world that we stand firmly against terrorism in all its forms.

Written by Staff Reports

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