
Hamas Drops Demands in US-Backed Ceasefire Deal with Israel

Hamas seems to be doing the negotiation Hokey Pokey, taking one step forward, one step back, and shaking it all about. But let’s not forget, these are the same folks who decided to kick off this mess with a brutal attack on Israel.

The latest buzz is that Hamas is tentatively on board with a US-backed plan for a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza. Interestingly, they have backtracked on their demand for Israel to immediately end the conflict, which could be a positive step if they actually follow through. But let’s not hold our breath just yet.

According to anonymous sources speaking on behalf of Hamas and Egypt, here’s a breakdown of what the proposed deal entails: first, a six-week ceasefire where certain groups of hostages would be released in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. After this initial phase, the hope is to move on to the release of more hostages, likely including male prisoners, a move Israel is surely eager to see happen.

If all goes well, the final phase would involve the return of all hostages and the beginning of a long-term reconstruction effort. However, as of now, no official statements have been made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or the White House.

In the midst of these discussions, an interesting tidbit emerged about the Mossad chief’s visit to Qatar, a key mediator in the talks. Despite this, there are still “gaps between the parties,” as confirmed by Netanyahu’s office.

Stay tuned as this story develops, possibly providing more updates as we approach the NATO summit.

Written by Staff Reports

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