
Hamas Leader Hijacks George Floyd Tragedy BLM Shamelessly Backs Terrorists

In a shocking turn of events, Vice News has resurfaced an interview with Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, where he boldly compares Israel’s policies to the “racist murder of George Floyd.” Hold on to your conservative hats, folks, because this is going to be a bumpy ride.

First of all, let’s not forget that Hamas is a recognized terrorist organization responsible for countless attacks on innocent Israeli civilians. So when their leader starts spouting off about racism and comparing their cause to the tragic death of George Floyd, it’s hard not to roll your eyes and reach for the world’s tiniest violin.

But here’s where it gets even more outrageous. Black Lives Matter (BLM) groups across the United States, in all their misguided glory, have offered praise and solidarity to Hamas. Yes, you heard that right. The same BLM that claims to advocate for justice and equality is aligning themselves with a terrorist organization hell-bent on destroying Israel.

BLM Chicago, in their infinite wisdom, even posted a picture of a Hamas militant on a paraglider with the Palestinian flag in the background. A clear reference to Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians that resulted in death and destruction. And what’s their justification for this support? They claim it’s about Palestinians’ right to resist Israeli settlers colonizing their land.

Well, excuse us for pointing out the obvious, but Israel is not some evil colonizer. They are a sovereign nation defending themselves against constant attacks from Hamas and other terrorist groups. It’s a matter of survival for them, not some nefarious plot to steal land.

But the madness doesn’t stop there. BLM extremists, true to form, have been spewing anti-white rhetoric for years, referring to them as “colonizers” and accusing them of sitting on “stolen land.” It’s a classic case of pot calling the kettle black, or in this case, black calling the pot colonizing. The hypocrisy is truly mind-boggling.

And let’s not forget the enlightened professor from Cornell University who openly praised Hamas during a rally, describing them as freedom fighters challenging the “monopoly of violence.” Seriously, professor? Attacking innocent civilians is your idea of challenging violence? It’s clear that some academics have lost touch with reality in their ivory towers.

So, my conservative comrades, take a moment to let all of this sink in. We have a terrorist leader comparing his cause to the tragic death of George Floyd, BLM groups offering support to Hamas, and academics justifying violence against civilians. It’s a prime example of the dangerous radicalism that has infected our society.

But fear not, for the truth will prevail. We must continue to shine a light on these distortions and fight for the values of freedom, peace, and justice. Because in the battle between righteousness and radicalism, there’s no doubt where we stand. And it sure as heck ain’t with Hamas or BLM. Stay strong, conservatives, and keep fighting the good fight.

Written by Staff Reports

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