
Hamas Sympathizers Infect our Youth: The Disturbing Void Uncovered

Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy voiced his concerns about the pro-Hamas mood among students in elite institutions during the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Annual Leadership Summit, which was held recently in Las Vegas, Nevada. Without holding back, Mr. Ramaswamy said in an interview with The Epoch Times, "It's a symptom of a deeper void because they are lost."

But don't worry—Ramaswamy had a surprise in store for you. "Hold the signs of God in your heart," he urged the younger generation. The candidate asserted that something else would gladly take the place of God in the hearts of these impressionable individuals. Similar to a cosmic version of musical chairs, God's love is the final chair to remain.

Ramaswamy's remarks bring to light an unpleasant truth about which many conservatives have long harbored concerns. Our children's moral compass appears to be spinning out of control as more and more kids succumb to the allure of pro-Hamas rhetoric. Maybe the moment has come for a little supernatural intervention to reroute these lost souls.

Thus, let the words of Ramaswamy become a call to action for all of the young brains out there. Stay on course. Refuse to give in to the temptations of Hamas. Instead, cling tenaciously to God's signs. And always keep in mind that God will fill you up, just like a heavenly gas station for your soul, if you ever feel a little empty within.

Written by Staff Reports

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