
Harris Eyes Running Mate as Contenders Swap Fundraisers for Fitness

Vice President Kamala Harris is in the market for a running mate, and it appears she has a few contenders vying for the prized position, though they seem to be doing less politicking and more… treadmill-ing. With rumors swirling, three Democrats—Josh Shapiro, Tim Walz, and Mark Kelly—have found themselves in the unique position of being on Harris’s radar while also keeping a decidedly low profile. In a political landscape where fundraising in the Hamptons usually garners headlines, it appears they’ve traded luxury for the treadmill instead.

Shapiro, the Pennsylvania Governor, made headlines for pulling out of a series of posh fundraisers scheduled in the scenic Hamptons, leaving many to wonder if this was an indication of a more serious pursuit of the vice presidency. Although his press secretary offered a vague reason for the abrupt change, one can only imagine the real reason: perhaps he felt their chi would be off if he was mixing with wealthy donors instead of preparing to be the second-in-command to Harris. After all, nothing says “I’m serious about this job” like skipping a chic gathering to schmooze with the elite.

Then there’s Tim Walz, the Minnesota Governor who seems to be taking his candidacy while maintaining a commitment to physical fitness. While running on his treadmill, he caught the latest TV commentary speculating on his chances of being picked. This might not be the most conventional way to keep in the loop about potential career moves, but in the Democrat playbook, why let a good sweat go to waste? Walz is highlighting his experience in implementing federal policies while maintaining that he hasn’t decided to “interview” for anything at all. He must think the treadmill is the ideal place to showcase his candidacy—burning calories while batting around the absurdity of his situation seems to be his strategy.

On the other hand, there’s Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona, who is reportedly keeping his lips zipped about whether he’s been vetted by Harris’s team. He did, however, find time to champion Harris’s vision for the future, seemingly unaware that many Americans see that vision as more of a dark tunnel than a bright highway. His reluctance to share details on his scheduling could either mean he’s playing it close to the vest or simply doesn’t want to draw attention to what could be a fizzled campaign.

Harris seems to be ramping up her travel and fundraising efforts since President Biden decided to pass the baton to her, making for a curious situation indeed. The DNC is gearing up for an unusual nominee process, which will include 7 key battleground states and a bizarre virtual vote among delegates—because nothing says democracy like logging in for a vote while in your pajamas. The vice president will soon introduce her running mate with all the fanfare of a mediocre Netflix series premiere.

As speculation mounts and these candidates navigate the waters of a potential vice presidential candidacy, one thing remains clear. While Republicans polish their platforms, Democrats are busy deciding who among them can best keep up with Harris’s whirlwind campaign. With the Democrats caught in an identity crisis and their candidates taking the unconventional approach of trading cocktail parties for treadmills, the landscape is shaping up for an interesting election cycle ahead.

Written by Staff Reports

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