
Harris Hits Vegas Trying to Save Biden Amid Democrat Doubts

Kamala Harris took her comedy act to Las Vegas this week in a desperate bid to rally the troops for Sleepy Joe Biden’s re-election campaign. With Democrats increasingly antsy about the president’s relentless gaffe-fest, Harris swooped in to assure everyone that Grandpa Joe can still get back up when he inevitably falls.

Despite the official narrative being about engaging Nevada’s Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander populations, the underlying current was clear: the Democratic Party is in full panic mode over Biden’s cracking façade. Hollywood’s liberal elites and the marble halls of Capitol Hill are filled with whispers—scratch that—shouts about Biden’s faltering mental state.

Even former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems to be barely holding back a yawn while expressing her “support” for Biden’s re-election. George Clooney’s recent op-ed might as well have been a eulogy for Biden’s political career, and the grumbling from House Democrats shows they’re just as worried. Meanwhile, even the upper chamber of Congress can’t stop fretting about whether Biden even knows what day of the week it is.

Harris did her best to pep talk the crowd into believing they have a fighting chance, even as the growing sentiment among Democrats is for her to shove Uncle Joe aside and take the reins herself. The neighbors in Las Vegas were told through forced enthusiasm that Biden is a warrior who brushes off defeat. But even some in the room had their doubts, suggesting that Kamala herself might be their best bet to stave off another four years of Trump.

With local favorites weighing in, like Alyse Sobosan urging for a Harris ticket, and concerned residents like Arlene and Joel Williams who’d rather vote for a houseplant than Trump, it’s clear the anxiety runs deep. Sobosan’s remark that Biden’s health and not his policies dominate the conversation says everything one needs to know about the state of the Democratic Party.

But the comedy doesn’t end there. While some Democrats reluctantly cling to the notion that Biden can stumble his way to a second term, the scepticism is palpable. It seems that most are just bracing for the next inevitable gaffe from the commander-in-chief. Harris’s touring performance might have bought Joe a bit more time, but at this rate, another slip-up might seal the deal for a Harris-for-President switcheroo.

So, grab your popcorn, America. The Democrats’ self-inflicted circus is the show of the season, and it looks like it’s going to be a wild ride to November.

Written by Staff Reports

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