
Harvard Exposed: Ignored Antisemitism & Coddled Killers

Hoo boy, buckle up folks, because we’ve got ourselves a Harvard scandal on our hands! A brave whistleblower has come forward, shining a light on the dark underbelly of this Ivy League institution. And let me tell you, it’s not pretty.

According to this fearless truth-teller, Harvard has been cozying up to those who just love to call for the murder of Jews. Can you believe it? The letter addressed to the U.S. Department of Education lays it all out, accusing Harvard of having a “laissez-faire attitude” towards protesters spewing their venomous hatred. And we’re not talking about a few isolated incidents here, folks. No, no. This whistleblower claims that a coordinated protest disrupted classes with bullhorns blaring abhorrent antisemitic calls to “globalize the intifada” and demands for the elimination of Israel. That’s right, undisguised calls for the murder of Jews and Israelis.

Now, to put this in perspective, the letter points out that during the Second Intifada, over 1,000 innocent lives were lost due to Palestinian terrorist attacks. Suicide-bombings, targeting buses and restaurants, all part of their twisted agenda. And guess what? The phrase “from the river to the sea” is seen as a genocidal call to violence to destroy Israel and replace it with a Palestinian state. I mean, come on, do we really need to spell it out for Harvard?

But here’s the real kicker, folks. Despite all this evidence, Harvard has done absolutely zilch. Nada. No action, no consequences. The whistleblower highlights the glaring double standard at play here. If it were any other minority group being threatened, you can bet your bottom dollar that Harvard would be up in arms and taking immediate action. But when it comes to protecting the Jewish community, they suddenly lose their voice.

And hold onto your hats, folks, because it gets even juicier. This isn’t the first time Harvard has faced accusations of antisemitism. President Claudine Gay herself has admitted that they haven’t done enough to condemn the rising tide of hatred on their campus. Bravo for the self-awareness, but words without actions mean diddly-squat. It’s time for Harvard to put their money where their mouth is and actually take a stand against antisemitism.

Thankfully, the whistleblower’s revelations have caught the attention of lawmakers. Harvard University President Claudine Gay is set to testify before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. The hearing is called “Holding Campus Leaders Accountable and Confronting Antisemitism.” About time someone started holding these institutions responsible, am I right?

So, there you have it, folks. Harvard, the supposed bastion of knowledge and enlightenment, has been playing footsie with those who call for the murder of Jews. It’s a dark stain on their reputation, and they need to step up and take action. Let’s hope this whistleblower’s bravery leads to real change and accountability, because enough is enough.

Written by Staff Reports

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