
Harvard Head Caught in Copycat Scandal; Even CNN Agrees!

Harvard President Claudine Gay is feeling the heat as her alleged plagiarism comes under the spotlight, thanks to some conservative media outlets that did some digging and uncovered some embarrassing revelations. It’s almost as if they were taking a magnifying glass to her scholarly work, just like a detective solving a case! And boy oh boy, did they find some juicy stuff!

Even usually left-leaning CNN and The New York Times have turned on her, shedding some light on her plagiarism scandal. The Times went as far as calling it “an embarrassing development for the university,” and CNN found “clear and obvious examples of plagiarism” in her work. They’re not mincing words, that’s for sure.

When even those kind-hearted mainstream media outlets start piling on, it’s got to make you wonder about the future of President Gay’s tenure at Harvard. The New York Times, Boston Globe, CNN, BBC, Daily Beast, Bloomberg, Axios, and The Hill are all jumping on the bandwagon to give her a good old-fashioned roasting. It’s like a feeding frenzy out there, and President Gay is right in the middle of it all.

Harvard has even had to admit that Gay’s work failed to use quotation marks and list original authors’ names, which, according to Harvard’s own rules, equals plagiarism. But they’re still not coming right out and saying it. It’s like they’re trying to have their cake and eat it too! But with all this mounting evidence against her, it looks like it’s going to be game over for Gay and her defenders at Harvard.

It’s truly a sight to behold, folks. The tables have turned, and President Gay is left to watch as the mainstream media, who were once her allies, have now joined the ranks of her critics. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

Written by Staff Reports

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