
Hero With Gun Stops Vegas Shooter: Media and Officials Stay Silent

In a shocking incident on Friday, a good guy with a gun saved countless lives by bringing down an active shooter in Las Vegas. The Turnberry Towers in Las Vegas were the site of a mass shooting when the armed shooter started firing indiscriminately. However, the shooter got the shock of his life as he was promptly confronted by an armed employee.

The brave employee, who has not been identified by the authorities, drew his gun and shot the shooter before he could cause any more harm. The incident was captured on camera and shows the shooter attempting to escape through the outer door. However, he is taken down in his tracks, ensuring that he could not harm anyone else.

Quite surprisingly, local officials hid the entire incident from the public and are still not confirming the reports of an armed civilian taking down the shooter. While there may be reasons to keep the employee’s identity concealed, there is no reason not to disclose that an armed civilian saved countless lives that day. The incident is another reminder that law-abiding citizens who carry guns are not dangerous to society; instead, they are a danger to those who plan to use firearms to cause chaos and destruction.

It is also concerning that the Las Vegas Police Department is keeping quiet about the matter, and rumors abound that they may charge the employee for shooting the perpetrator in the back as he was fleeing. Such a move would be ridiculous, as no one can be expected to allow an active shooter that has already opened fire to escape into a busy street.

This incident should serve as a powerful reminder that even in the face of tragedy, good guys with guns can save lives. Unfortunately, the media often downplays such incidents as they don’t align with their political narrative. It’s time to acknowledge that the Second Amendment isn’t a threat to society, but is a solution to avoid further disasters. RedState will continue to provide updates.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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