
Hillary Clinton, Master of Deflection, Targets Trump!

Hillary Clinton recently spoke out against former President Donald Trump on MSNBC, calling him a "projection." Those of you who don't know what "projection" means say that someone charges others of something they themselves are guilty of. That's why Clinton is basically calling Trump a liar. Very Hillary-like of her.

But don't forget who the real "Projection Queen" is. No, it's actually Hillary. This woman has been blaming other people for her flaws for years. All of us remember the "Russian collusion" mess, right? As it turned out, Clinton was working with the Russians while Trump was being blamed. Talk about having two different rules.

It's so funny to see Clinton try to attack Trump for what he said. She smugly said, "I don't believe him on anything" when asked if she thinks Trump would try to get himself out of jail. Why would I start to believe him?" Oh, Hillary, your lack of self-awareness always makes us laugh.

Social media sites like Twitter loved this story. It didn't take long for people to point out Clinton's own tricks. One person tweeted, "You mean projecting Russian collusion while you're doing it yourself the whole time?" That must hurt a lot.

"Guess who else "engages in what psychologists call projection?" asked another user with a mocking tone. It does look like a lot of lawmakers are good at projecting.

Clinton's attempt to say that Trump is projecting only shows how hypocritical she has been in the past. One person on Twitter said it best: "This is like a triple-double of projection." It's possible for Hillary's projection about Trump's projection to create a tunnel in space-time. That was very well said, Twitter user.

Therefore, Hillary might want to take a good long look at herself in the mirror before she uses the projection card again. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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