
Hollywood Leftie Sarandon Canned for Anti-Israel Rant!

Once more, the Hollywood left strikes! Susan Sarandon, an actress renowned for her radical left-leaning behavior, has been dismissed by her agency, UTA, for a ridiculous remark she made at a New York City pro-Palestinian rally. According to Sarandon, an employee of the agency since 2014, Jewish individuals experiencing fear in the United States are "gaining an understanding of what it is like to be a Muslim." This apprehension stems from Hamas's attack on Israel. Isn't that the most obtuse and dismissive remark that you've ever encountered?

UTA was compelled to assert their position and declare, "Sarandon, enough is enough! "We cannot have an individual on our roster who utters such nonsense." This absurd remark had such a profound effect that a number of agency employees were understandably distressed! Someone in Hollywood should immediately take a position against such absurd rhetoric.

Sarandon's remark generated considerable disruption not only within the agency but also on social media platforms. Muslim author Asra Nomani refuted Sarandon's delusional assertion by highlighting the fact that her parents lead independent lives in the United States and that she, too, established her own enterprise in 1981, both of which were achievements unattainable for Muslim women in numerous Muslim nations. Nomani, your call out of Sarandon's remarks regarding their duplicity and complete ignorance was commendable.

It is evident that Sarandon, who won an Academy Award for her acting abilities, should focus on memorizing lines rather than attempting to comprehend real-world issues. Her most recent film, Blue Beetle, was a commercial failure at the box office, and her career is now suffering another hit. She might still be successful in Hollywood if she devoted more time to honing her craft and less time to spewing uninformed political outbursts. However, Hollywood and rational thought do not always go hand in hand.

Written by Staff Reports

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